Topsail Addiction Treatment

Drug addiction is a debilitating disease characterized by compulsive or uncontrollable drug use. Those who abuse drugs struggle to keep their addictions under control, even when the disease negatively impacts various aspects of their lives. Over time, drug addiction can alter a person’s brain chemistry and interfere with their willpower, self-control and other important executive functions.

If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, remember that recovery is possible. The skilled and dedicated experts at Topsail Addiction Treatment are here to help you rise above your addiction and return to living a happy and healthy life. As part of our top-tier drug addiction rehab treatment for residents of Norwood, Massachusetts, medical professionals can design a treatment plan that meets your unique needs.

Signs of Drug Addiction

Addictive disorders are typically manifested in a number of physical and psychological symptoms. Not all addicts are necessarily aware of these symptoms, which can hinder them from receiving the treatment they need. In addition, it’s important to note that everyone with a drug addiction experiences their addiction in a unique way.

However, there are a few key symptoms that most people living with drug addiction face. These symptoms are grouped into four distinct categories that help measure the full impact of drug abuse. Here are the main categories as well as the symptoms they include:

  • Impaired control: This includes a powerful craving/urge to use the substance, failed attempts to stop using the substance, and continued use of the drug despite being aware of its consequences.
  • Social problems: Drug abuse can also negatively affect your social life in various ways. Some of these signs include a failure to complete important work or school assignments and a neglect of social or recreational activities.
  • Risky behavior: Prolonged drug abuse can lead users to engage in risky behavior, such as driving while intoxicated or stealing in an effort to procure drugs.
  • Drug use symptoms: The substances themselves can also trigger dangerous symptoms. Some of the most common effects of drug abuse include reduced energy, weight loss or gain, lack of motivation, insomnia, increased heart rate, altered cognitive ability, and difficulty taking care of personal hygiene.

By paying attention to these warning signs, you can seek out the help you need and work towards a full recovery. If you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself or someone else, it’s crucial to address them immediately with professional treatment.

Drug Rehab Treatment for Residents of Norwood, MA

At Topsail, we offer trusted addiction treatment that is tailored to your specific needs. Our drug rehab treatment program includes several steps with high rates of success. Some of the many options that we offer include the following:

  • Behavioral counseling.
  • Assessment of co-occurring mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression.
  • Treatment for any identified mental health issues.
  • Medication to help treat symptoms of withdrawal.
  • Long-term follow-up to prevent relapse from occurring.

Each of these steps plays a critical role in the overall recovery process. Our experts also take your specific needs into consideration during each step to design a treatment plan that is right for you.

Types of Addiction Treatment

Overcoming an addictive disorder is a journey that should never be undertaken alone. Each patient deserves specialized care and attention to find the strength they need to rise above their addiction. Fortunately, at Topsail, we have designed a number of rehabilitation programs to address your specific situation. Once you have been assessed by an addiction treatment professional, you will be placed into one of the following drug addiction treatment programs.

IOP Treatment

Intensive outpatient (IOP) treatment is a form of outpatient treatment for recovering addicts. During this stage of treatment, patients receive high-quality medical and psychological care while at home or in sober living to help them battle their addictions. Topsail offers immersive IOP programs that are held 3 days a week at our Andover, MA, facility. These sessions include counseling, therapy, relapse prevention skills, and other important activities to support recovery.

Generally speaking, patients who undergo IOP treatment don’t need to be monitored as frequently as patients in partial hospitalization (PHP) treatment. If you feel that you’re ready to ease back into your normal routine and can handle a bit more freedom in your life, IOP may be the best treatment option for you.

PHP Treatment

A more intensive form of treatment than IOP, partial hospitalization (PHP) treatment is ideal for patients who need more guidance and care during the recovery process. Members of PHP programs gather 5 days a week at our Andover facility to receive comprehensive treatment. This may be the better choice for patients who are at a higher risk of relapsing, as well as those who are still experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

To learn more about our addiction treatment options for residents of Norwood, reach out to us toda

Helping People Conquer Addiction in Massachusetts

Start your journey to recovery today with Topsail Addiction Treatment — reach out now and take the first step towards a healthier, substance-free life.
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